Key Success Factors for young entrepreneurs shared by Mr. TS Darbari
Mr. TS Darbari says that success comes to those who plan for success. According to Mr. TS Darbari, “Without proper planning and executions, success is impossible.” However, Mr. TS Darbari also suggests that there are several factors that decide your success. Therefore, Mr. TS Darbari decides to share entrepreneurial Key Success Factors for young entrepreneurs.
Mr. TS Darbari says that most of the young entrepreneurs lack guidance and don’t know the entrepreneurial key success factors that are much required. Knowledge of these key success factors can skyrocket their business. Therefore, he says that every young entrepreneur or businessman must know the entrepreneurial key success factors.
Here are the entrepreneurial Key Success Factors for young entrepreneurs shared by Mr. TS Darbari:
Courage to Take Action: Mr. TS Darbari says that this is the first and most important factor for “would be” and current entrepreneurs. All other entrepreneurial key success factors, are not necessary if you are a person who afraid to take real action. Actions are something that can lead you to the success.
Required Knowledge: The second important factor according to Mr. TS Darbari is ‘proper knowledge’. Entrepreneurs are persons who must have superior knowledge about specific business issues for the business that they have started. Your knowledge will increase your business potential energy and in large part will contribute to the success of your company.
Innovation and Creativity. Mr. TS Darbari says that another important characteristic is Innovation. You must be a creative person if you want to be unique enough and with the power of continuous improvement in your business. The creativity will increase your business potential energy that will bring many possibilities for your company.
Entrepreneurial skills: Mr. TS Darbari says that your skills always matter and you need to acquire the required entrepreneurial skills. Each entrepreneur and each business will need different entrepreneurial skills that in some cases can be crucial to the success of their companies. If you have the knowledge, but you don’t have skills that can be covered only through implementation of what you have learned, you can’t expect that you are close to the success.
Entrepreneurial intelligence. You must be intelligent to manage all possible situations and solve the hardest problems that will be the most consistent thing in your business life. Your intelligence will additionally bring uniqueness to your company because it is something that can’t be copied from others.
Patience and Persistence. Mr. TS Darbari says that patience and persistence are like two wheels of your bike. You must be patient and ready to continue even you lose the first battle. It is important because the war is still not finished. This is only the beginning of your journey as an entrepreneur. You need to understand that your entrepreneurial journey isn’t an easy journey from A to B.
The ability for teamwork. Nobody can achieve anything alone so, this is also true for you as an entrepreneur. You are not a “Superman.” As an entrepreneur, you must be a team player for your own and your business success.
Risk-taking, but calculated risk: This is indeed one of the most critical questions: Are entrepreneurs taking enough risk? Yes, each business startup is at some level risky. However, more important is how a successful entrepreneur takes a risk? The word calculated risk is the most appropriate word for this characteristic. You need to use risk management principles if you want to succeed.
Self-Confidence: Mr. TS Darbari says that if you don’t believe in yourself why would others believe you. It is a key success factor. Self-confidence is a significant and key success factor for entrepreneurs. I think that nobody will become an entrepreneur if he doesn’t have self-confidence in himself, primarily related to start and manage his own business.
To have enough experience. Sometimes experience is in a category not so required as a factor, but it is something that will increase your business potential energy. As an entrepreneur, you must employ all present and previous experience you have in the business that you are building.